Once the rain stopped today, work was able to resume, albeit slow. The crew was finally able to get the cement truck here to pour the slabs for the sun deck and lower patio area. Originally Signature expected to just used basically crushed stone as the foundation, but due to almost pure clay beneath, they opted for a more stable base of cement. Once it sits for a day or so, they will be able to start laying the patio pavers.
This should complete the cement work as all the stairs, retaining walls, and foundations are complete. The vault for the power cover was installed along with some modifications to the electrical service required by the cover. We're about a week off schedule now, and although it is suppose to be warm and sunny for a couple days, the forecast for early next week is more rain and sharply colder temps (highs on in the mid 50's). Keep your fingers crossed that we hold on to summer a little longer!

(View looking East at the deep-end)

(View looking South towards the house. The black channel is the cover vault)

(View looking Southwest at the shallow-end stairs)

(View West from the sun deck at the shallow end. The have started installing the cultured stone on the back wall.)

(View looking Northwest from the lower patio)

(View looking Northeast from the top of the stairs)
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