Saturday, February 17, 2007

Tech Talk # 002

Today's Tech Talk focuses on my favorite HTML editors.

I still do web page design and development as time permits. Having worked in this space for the better part of 10 years I've come to rely on a trusty standby and a more recent (relatively) entry in the HTML editor arena.

My first choice continues to be HomeSite 5.5. This cool tool does a lot in a very light environment! It's fast, intuitive and feature rich. Maybe it's because I cut my teeth learning HTML with it, or maybe it's just a great tool, but either way I like it a lot!

The new comer for me was a simple product I found a year or so ago. It's called Note Tab Light. While I don't use it as much as HomeSite (I usually use it for quick changes and have it installed on all my workstations at home & the office) it's a nice, light, flexible tool. And the part I like best is that its free!! With tabbed file management (similar to IE7) it makes working with multiple pages (files) a breeze. And because it's so small, I carry it on my thumb drive as part of my digital toolkit. It's also a great replacement for Windows Notepad

Check them both out and see what you think!

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