Sunday, October 22, 2006

Almost Done!

We're closing in on completion of the project. There are a few more small items to complete, but we expect most everything to be wrapped up by the end of this week.

Here are a few more pictures of the almost completed project!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Fill'er Up!

After 1.5" of snow last Thursday and more rain through this past Tuesday, the weather finally cooperated and we got a dry and relatively warm day (60 degrees) yesterday. That was enough of a window to let the pool crew plaster the pool and fill it, late in the day. So as of now, we have a pool that is operational but darn cold (58 degrees)! Here's how the day progressed...

The plaster was sprayed on starting with the walls

The crew worked in small sections at a time

It took from 10:00am until mid-afternoon to finish the plastering

The finished product was a snow white smooth marcite finish!

The water tanker arrived a bit after 5:00pm to deliver the first load

This is how the pool looked after the first 14,000 gallons

View from the deep-end half full

The remaining 13,000 gallons begins to be pumped in

It takes about 18 minutes to empty the full tanker load (14,000 gallons)

The "tanker" on it's final delivery of our water

The pool the way it looked today. The mechanicals worked perfectly and the power falls were way cool!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Push Continues

The push continues, but again progress is slow due to the residual moisture and the forecast for yet more rain. More of the plantings were completed on day two of the push and some of the bark was spread. Hopefully in the next week we'll be able to get the pool plastered, filled and wrap up most of the miscellaneous tasks remaining!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Last Minute Push!

Well progress was slowed significantly last week due to 4" of rain over a two day period early in the week. With 4 days of sun & wind, the soil dried enough to let the team begin the irrigation and continued landscaping today. Now the rush is on to get as much done in the next two days since there are predictions of sharply colder temperatures and possible accumulating snow by the end of this week.

Tomorrow the fencing should begin, irrigation should wrap and the remaining plantings should go in, followed by the bark & field stone, and the tile work on the front of the pool should get going. All in all it promises to be a busy couple of days!

The pool can't be plastered this week due to the potentially bad weather. That is now scheduled for early next week which means water may go in as early as next Wednesday the 18th.

The good news is that most of the stone work is done (which I'm sure the masons are thankful for!) They did an awesome job on the stone - take a look...

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Wow! What a transformation this past week. I was in Japan on business and when I arrived home late Saturday afternoon I couldn't believe the difference from when I left.

All the dirt piles were gone, the grading was competed and top soil laid down. Some of the larger landscaping was started including several trees, shrubs and boulders. The trampoline was installed in-ground and the remaining cap stone around the pool was installed. The tile in the pool was grouted and even some of the low-voltage landscaping lighting was installed. The bottom of the fire pit was placed where the hole will be, and most of the drainage lines have been run & buried. It's really starting to come together.

Next week the irrigation goes in, more landscaping, the stone work should be wrapping up and the pool interior will be plastered, targeting to fill with water around 10/9.