Sunday, October 01, 2006


Wow! What a transformation this past week. I was in Japan on business and when I arrived home late Saturday afternoon I couldn't believe the difference from when I left.

All the dirt piles were gone, the grading was competed and top soil laid down. Some of the larger landscaping was started including several trees, shrubs and boulders. The trampoline was installed in-ground and the remaining cap stone around the pool was installed. The tile in the pool was grouted and even some of the low-voltage landscaping lighting was installed. The bottom of the fire pit was placed where the hole will be, and most of the drainage lines have been run & buried. It's really starting to come together.

Next week the irrigation goes in, more landscaping, the stone work should be wrapping up and the pool interior will be plastered, targeting to fill with water around 10/9.

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