Friday, June 09, 2006

What is a Sharkjet?

Several people have asked me what the term SharkJet refers to, so I thought I'd take a minute and explain what a SharkJet is along with it's origin.

Several years ago I was talking to a dear friend of mine. She knew about my interest in aviation and proceeded to tell me a story about an airplane that her and her son had seen recently flying around town. She was hoping I could tell her what type of aircraft they had spotted. She described it as a large, grey military plane with 4 engines, a large tail fin and some kind of "thing" hanging from the back of the plane. As I thought about her description she added that her son thought it looked like a shark with it's tall fin flying through the air. That was the beginning of the new name SharkJet for what turned out to be a KC-135 air tanker.

The words her son used to describe the plane stuck with me and I thought it sounded like a cool domain & e-mail address, so I registered both. Turns out it was a relatively unique name as well. So thank you Patty & John for inspiring my imagination!

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