Well progress was slowed significantly last week due to 4" of rain over a two day period early in the week. With 4 days of sun & wind, the soil dried enough to let the team begin the irrigation and continued landscaping today. Now the rush is on to get as much done in the next two days since there are predictions of sharply colder temperatures and possible accumulating snow by the end of this week.
Tomorrow the fencing should begin, irrigation should wrap and the remaining plantings should go in, followed by the bark & field stone, and the tile work on the front of the pool should get going. All in all it promises to be a busy couple of days!
The pool can't be plastered this week due to the potentially bad weather. That is now scheduled for early next week which means water may go in as early as next Wednesday the 18th.
The good news is that most of the stone work is done (which I'm sure the masons are thankful for!) They did an awesome job on the stone - take a look...